
Showing posts from August, 2020

Hindi Quotes for Real Heroes of COVID-19

      708735 current Coronavirus cases in India… yes we are still struggling to beat this disease. There are various inspiring Hindi quotes. English, and Hindi’s thoughts to gain strength in such a gloomy situation. We complain about being stuck in lockdown. But ask those who risk their lives. By daily going out for their jobs. Or those medical staff that actually cater to Coronavirus patients. Today’s blog is only dedicated to the real heroes of COVID- 19. Who chose to stay by the side of patients. Then their parents or family. SuperHero #1 Kulsaurabh Kaushik works hard in a critical care ward of a private hospital in Delhi. In times, when everyone is leaving their hostel and P.G, he chose to stay in Delhi and continue his job. Kaushik said that he worries about going back home to Gurugram. For his parent’s safety, he chose to stay back. Kaushik said “We do what we have to do in any case, but our families, they are the real heroes… My parents worry about me and whether

A Guide to Edit, Create, and Delete WhatsApp Status

      Amongst all despondent latest news, it’s time to cheer up with this guide to your awesome WhatsApp status. Social media, you see, has taken communication to another level. Whatsapp is the most special of them all. It is more than a messaging app as people here get the privilege to share pictures, videos, audio, documents+ one can video call+ conference call. So all in all WhatsApp is a wholesome bunch of features that help in effective communication. Do you know that according to the latest news, WhatsApp is the most used social media app that works with an internet connection? In today’s scenario of work from home and online classes, WhatsApp is playing a tremendous role. It has eased out communication; is convenient; and the most opted source of sharing information. According to the latest news WhatsApp has nearly 2 billion monthly users. As per the latest news, Whatsapp entered a big milestone on February 8, 2017. By introducing the video cum image status feature

Women Empowerment Quotes that proves Economic Stability in India

      “The empowered woman is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description.” Women constitute more than half the strata of India. Imagine if such a proportion is how rich our economy would become! Time is not lost, opportunities are not lost. Women empowerment quotes help to recruits for the Indian economy. Below is an elaboration of the same. Women are not confined only in the home The notion of women empowerment has spread in the nook. It has also spread to every corner of Indian society but it still has to reach the roots. According to research and various women empowerment quotes. Women in India constitute 7.5% of the world population. Such a huge population can brighten up. The Indian economic condition if given the desired push. Talking about women empowerment. Here are a few contexts that are needed to be shared in the Indian economy. Here are some essential facts: Women Empower Quotes for Greater Uphealing Recent research and Women Empowerment quo

Book Review: The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale By awrighting - August 24, 2020

      The 21st century is kinda complex. There is materialism, confusion, alienation, and hopelessness. We often see ourselves searching for English and Hindi thoughts that render some motivation, some peace, some bliss in this chaotic world. To reduce our worldly complications and anxiety, writer Vincent Peale has drafted a terrific self- help book called ‘The Power of Positive Thinking.’ With a blend of practical and Biblical notions, the writer has laid various good motivational thoughts that work as a source of contentment. Book Review To start the book review of ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ it is said that it is an international bestseller American book which has sold 5 million copies worldwide. In this book writer, Peale adopts a biblical approach to provide essential anecdotal ‘case histories’ as well as some practical instructions to procure an optimistic attitude of life. The book is not a collection of English and Hindi thoughts, it rather focuses on hel

Multi-Level Marketing: Definition and Benefits

      An extension of affiliate marketing, multi-level marketing (MLM) is now ruling the Digital Marketing industry. MLM is basically a distribution based marketing strategy. It works on two or more commissions. In this sort of affiliate marketing, a marketer gets involved in the process of distribution of products to customers. MLM companies carry out their sales by recruiting individual distributors who go out and distribute the products. An MLM affiliate marketing strategy can be procured by any and every company from kitchenware to dietary supplements to beauty products. Notable companies that follow an MLM marketing strategy are Avon, Herbalife, Tupperware, and Amway. There are numerous benefits of implementing an MLM affiliate marketing strategy Benefits of Multi-Level Marketing Small amount of risk Every entrepreneur must be ready to take some risk and in some cases. A little lost as well. However, the amount of risk is minimal when you opt forMLM Marketing. Thi

Women Empowerment Quotes to Say ‘Yes I Can Do It’

      All Hindi and English quotes define women empowerment as the “economic, social, cultural, educational, moral, and personal elevation of women.” To start with a fresh, there is one of the famous women empowerment quotes. Malala Yousafzai, once said, “We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced”. Women empowerment is an age-old concept. It commences is the West and is now in vogue in India and other Asian countries. It not only gives women the courage to break unjustified shackles of life but also helps the nation to develop as one. Principles with Women Empowerment Quotes Women empowerment principles (WEPs) are guiding steps for corporate generate sustainability. The aim is to enable companies to empower wome. Both in the corporate sector as well as communities. WEPs further helps in producing business cases. Based on gender equality and women’s emancipation. If implemented accurately, these principles can take women empowerment to its zenith.

Digital Marketing Services and AI Bring New Life for Your Business

        This is a Fact: AI has great value to improve your business. Well, the answer lies in this blog. Keeping heed with the escalating change. Digital marketing in Hindi has breathed a new side of life. Online businesses are experiencing rejuvenation. Through the mainstream of digital marketing and of course artificial intelligence. Starting from online purchase to chat communication and more. Artificial intelligence and digital marketing services blend for better online habitat. If you choose to follow the footsteps of digital marketing. You need not worry about gaining specialization. Though, you need to understand the solid grasp of digital marketing elements in your business. Before we dig into the advanced form of digital marketing. It is well stated by my friend to include the concept of digital marketing in Hindi. So, this is for you! What is Digital Marketing in Hindi? As stated in digital marketing in Hindi. Most renowned marketer Neil Patel adds. He says ‘It

PM Modi Holds Digital Conference with CEOs of Financial Sectors, Talks to Improve Economy

Being the best Leader and Negotiator Globally, PM Narendra Modi holds a virtual talk with the CEOs of both public and private sector banks. According to the latest finance news of India today , the nation is witnessing a rough patch of the economy by hitting hard with the rising number of COVID-19 cases. After offering various economy-soother packages pushed up by Pradhan Mantri Scheme. People are still to grab the best of financial relieves so to lift-up their business again. As stated in the finance news of India today, PM Modi has held a meeting with top bankers and CEOs of public and private sector banks. The purpose of this meet was to offer the best financial supports to the common man for making their business gain-up more productivity. It was a three-hour-long meeting with both public and private sector bank’s CEO who can better levy better support for ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Mission’. According to the sources, all the major banks of India were invited to be part of this initiative

Offline / Online, 5 Ways to Make Money!

Dear friends, No job is small or big, in today's era where there is a lot of online jobs and business, there is no shortage of offline opportunities as well, there are some businesses where investment seems very small, but it Earnings are strong! Need is just to learn and start the work, it can be done either part time or full time! Before starting any work, you must get information about the people around you, from the nearby experts once, who are either currently doing that work or have left that work for some reason! With this you will be able to start your business / work better! 1. Event, Management Business! The business of event management is a very good business today, people organize events for kitty, parties, wedding ceremonies, birthdays, this work can be started with very little money! When you start getting to know people, you will not get free time from this work, it can be started from a small level and can be made a big level of business too! For this work you will